Oat Kernel Extract

Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract
Biological. Oats are a cereal with high properties for the skin. Through scientific research, the function of oat extract in the skin has been enhanced, making it an excellent asset for the skin
Biological. Oats are a cereal with high properties for the skin. Through scientific research, the function of oat extract in the skin has been enhanced, making it an excellent asset for the skin
To offer you an effective cosmetic at EZENTIA we have decided to use this active essence due its following properties:
- Anti-wrinkle. It helps to reduce wrinkles. Its beta-glucans stimulate collagen synthesis and the skin regeneration process.
- Hydration. Thanks to the lipids and proteins it contains, it prevents the skin from dehydrating. Its peptides improves the protective layer of the skin that prevents loss of hydration.
- Protector. Its avenanthramides minimize cell damage caused by external agents, such as solar radiation, so they are effective in sun creams or treatments after sunbathing.
- Anti-inflamatory. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, it is ideal for sensitive skin treatments
Tania, A. et al. Nutraceutical Properties of Medicago sativa L., Agave Spp., Zea mays L. and Avena sativa L.: A Review of Metabolites and Mechanisms.
Art. J., el al. Oat (Avena sativa) – an underestimated beauty plant [Owies (Avena sativa) – niedoceniona roślina kosmetyczna]
Kurt A Reynertson, et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Colloidal Oatmeal (Avena sativa) Contribute to the Effectiveness of Oats in Treatment of Itch Associated With Dry, Irritated Skin